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The Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia (Xarxa de Parcs Científics i Tecnològics de Catalunya - XPCAT) holds big spaces of production, transfer, diffusion and use of knowledge. It also works as the point of contact for the research and the innovative community. It consists of an important number of centres and groups for university research, technological centres, large companies and their associate R&D centres, companies focusing on innovation as well as new knowledge based companies. For this reason, it counts on many personnel engaged in research, development and innovative activities in a wide range of disciplines. It has one of the best infrastructures and a great amount of services specialized in new structures and new management systems ready to reply to the challenges of the global economy of knowledge. The Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia is a central instrument for science, technology, company and market systems because it is a collaboration formula for the future of Catalonia’s scientific, technological, economic and social development.
The purposes of the association are the following:
- To collaborate, promoting and spreading Science and Technology Parks, in the renewal and diversification of the productive activity, in the technological progress and in the economic and social development of Catalonia.
- To perform coordinately as a mediator structure for the Science-Technology-Company system in Catalonia.
- To collaborate in the development of the innovation and research plans promoted in Catalonia.
- To be a promoter for the transmission and diffusion of knowledge and technology.
Catalan Network of Science and Technology Parks - -
Administración y Oficina Técnica: Centro de Empresas de Nuevas Tecnologias B-27, Parque Tecnológico del Vallés - 08290 Cerdanyola T: 93 582 45 45
Sede Social: Parque Científico de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona - Legal warning - Privacity Policy
Sede Social: Parque Científico de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona - Legal warning - Privacity Policy