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Recursos Bibliogràfics
Títol: US university research parks
Autor: Link AN Scott JT
Volum: 25 Issue:1
Pàgines: 43-55
Any: 2006
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0895-562X
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Regional development, research park; science park; university research; technology transfer
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://www.springerlink.com/content/06502g6664w34167/
Resum: University research parks are important as a mechanism for the transfer of academic research findings, as a source of knowledge spillovers, and as a catalyst for national and regional economic growth. We develop a model to describe the growth, or productivity, of research parks, and we test this model using the newly constructed National Science Foundation database on university research parks. We find that parks closer to the university, operated by a private organization, and with a specific technology focus-information technology in particular-grow faster than the average of 8.4% per year.
Adreça: Univ N Carolina, Dept Econ, Greensboro, NC 27412 USA2. Dartmouth Coll, Dept Econ, Hanover, NH 03755 USA E-mail Addresses: al_link@uncg.edu, John.t.scott@dartmouth.edu
Autor: Link AN Scott JT
Volum: 25 Issue:1
Pàgines: 43-55
Any: 2006
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0895-562X
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Regional development, research park; science park; university research; technology transfer
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://www.springerlink.com/content/06502g6664w34167/
Resum: University research parks are important as a mechanism for the transfer of academic research findings, as a source of knowledge spillovers, and as a catalyst for national and regional economic growth. We develop a model to describe the growth, or productivity, of research parks, and we test this model using the newly constructed National Science Foundation database on university research parks. We find that parks closer to the university, operated by a private organization, and with a specific technology focus-information technology in particular-grow faster than the average of 8.4% per year.
Adreça: Univ N Carolina, Dept Econ, Greensboro, NC 27412 USA2. Dartmouth Coll, Dept Econ, Hanover, NH 03755 USA E-mail Addresses: al_link@uncg.edu, John.t.scott@dartmouth.edu
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Seu Social: Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona - Avís legal - Política de privacitat