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Títol: New approach to Taiwan´s zero waste strategy - Perspectives of Tainan eco-industrial park
Autor: Su HC Lee MS Yu CF Huang YC Hwang IJ
Referència: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology-2005 - RESOURCES RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY-2005
Pàgines: 69-73
Any: 2005
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 7-5062-7842-1
Tipus de document: Proceeding
Paraules clau: Regional Development, eco-industrial park; zero waste strategy; circulatory sustainable eco-city
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://cpfd.cnki.com.cn/Article/CPFDTOTAL-ZGYY200511001017.htm
Resum: Over the last few decades, Taiwan EPA has actively implemented policies and programs to reduce pollution and waste generation. Yet, environmental pressures are still increasing. Faced with the increase of wastes, Taiwan EPA has reviewed available policy options and concluded that there was a need to apply new instruments to address this problem. ´Zero waste´ is a policy approach in which producers accept significant responsibility for the treatment or disposal of post-consumer products. Assigning such responsibility could provide incentives to prevent wastes at the source, promote environmentally compatible product design and support the achievement of public recycling and materials management goals. With sights firmly set on the goal of ´Zero Waste Strategy,´ Taiwan´s waste management policy has directed its focus on source control. In addition, promoting industrial ecologicalization and improving the operation conditions for the industry in order to encourage the eco-link of the industry, to obtain resources recycling and low-pollution exhausts, and to provide the people with a quality living environment for circulatory sustainable eco-cities/countries. The Environmental Science and Technology Park Promotion Plan offers many preferential benefits to companies setting up in the park. Stepping up the cycling and sustainable use of substances to enter into the social recycles for re-utilization in order to take into account both waste reduction and eco-recycle purposes. Tainan Eco-industrial Park is located in Tainan County´s Greater Sinying Industrial Zone. Since the companies have wills to move in. These 14 companies will have totally investment capability of around US$70 million and will create employment opportunities for around 200 people. Those firms have yet to form an interconnected system between each other to cycle resources; they may team up with other industrial parks in Tainan region to help supply each other´s needs. They can also make use of their own technology to assist other firms nearby the park. Such practices will expand the ecological cycling of wastes. The goal of Tainan Eco-indUstrial Park is for it to permeate throughout all corners of the economy and combine all product manufacturing with resource recovery. Communities, regional agency environmental teams, and recyclers will be able to collectively work together towards resource recovery. A convenient way of recycling can be initiated for everyone and as a result, create an atmosphere in which sustainable development is supported.
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