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Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: The research on construction actuality and development, countermeasures for biomedical high-tech parks in China
Autor: Jie X (Jie Xue) Zhang ZG (Zhengang Zhang) Juan T (Juan Tian)
Referència: Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Vols 1-4 - MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL WORLD
Volum: Vols 1-04
Pàgines: 3327-3335
Any: 2007
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9604962-9-7
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: Regional development, biomedical high-tech park; regional innovation environment; industrial-district
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: With the development of biological science, the biomedical high-tech parks, a. re developed rapidly in China, The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the development actuality of Chinese biomedical high-tech parks and research the Countermeasures to strength its competitive advantage. In this paper we collect the data of 41 main biomedical high-tech parks, including built parks and building ones in china, then classify and do statistics according to the geographical distribution, main development orientation and the states of cooperation with universities and R&D institutes of the biomedical high-tech parks:,Through analysis and study, the paper puts forward the development characteristics of the biomedical high-tech parks and found the problems existed in their construction and development. Moreover, it brings forward the development countermeasures and policies to construct the regional innovation system,and strength the competitive advantage of the biomedical high-tech, parks.
Adreça: S China Univ Technol, Sch Business Adm, Ghangzhou 510641, Peoples R China
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