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Títol: Innovation and technology transfer (I&TT) support system - Lessons learned in Estonia
Autor: Tamkivi R
Volum: 27
Pàgines: 256-569
Any: 2001
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 1387-6708
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: Spin-off,
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: The research-based business innovation and technology transfer activities are most often supported via development of:favorable political and legal background;specific financial tools;specific innovation support structures:science, technology or research parks;technology, innovation or incubation centers;industrial liaison offices; etc.The up-to-date development of these support measures in Estonia is reviewed in the presentation, describing and analyzing the role of: National Innovation Programme, Estonian Innovation Fund and other public and private sources, Tartu Science Park and other innovation support institutions in Tartu, Tallinn Technical University Innovation Center and other innovation support institutions in Tallinn.Some lessons learned from the Estonian practices are formulated, stressing the importance of utilizing the "one thing in a time" approach; keeping constantly in mind the real mission of a structure; dedicated people and international networking; starting with selected aspects (e.g. incubation, spin-off technology transfer) of innovation support, but starting immediately.Finally, the recently revealed positive trends in Estonia indicated, together with the primary tasks for the nearest future.
Adreça: Tallinn Tech Univ, Innovat Ctr, EE-19086 Tallinn, Estonia Publisher: I O S PRESS, NIEUWE HEMWEG 6B, 1013 BG AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS
Autor: Tamkivi R
Volum: 27
Pàgines: 256-569
Any: 2001
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 1387-6708
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: Spin-off,
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: The research-based business innovation and technology transfer activities are most often supported via development of:favorable political and legal background;specific financial tools;specific innovation support structures:science, technology or research parks;technology, innovation or incubation centers;industrial liaison offices; etc.The up-to-date development of these support measures in Estonia is reviewed in the presentation, describing and analyzing the role of: National Innovation Programme, Estonian Innovation Fund and other public and private sources, Tartu Science Park and other innovation support institutions in Tartu, Tallinn Technical University Innovation Center and other innovation support institutions in Tallinn.Some lessons learned from the Estonian practices are formulated, stressing the importance of utilizing the "one thing in a time" approach; keeping constantly in mind the real mission of a structure; dedicated people and international networking; starting with selected aspects (e.g. incubation, spin-off technology transfer) of innovation support, but starting immediately.Finally, the recently revealed positive trends in Estonia indicated, together with the primary tasks for the nearest future.
Adreça: Tallinn Tech Univ, Innovat Ctr, EE-19086 Tallinn, Estonia Publisher: I O S PRESS, NIEUWE HEMWEG 6B, 1013 BG AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS
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