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Esteu a: Inici , Informació d'interès , Recursos Bibliogràfics.

Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: Organisation innovation and entrepreneurship: the role of the national laboratories in promoting industrial development
Autor: Lo TH Liou SN Yuan B
Volum: Volume: 30 Issue: 1-2
Pàgines: 67-84
Any: 2005
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0267-5730
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Spin-off, organisational innovation; technopreneurship; innovative spirit; IC industry
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://inderscience.metapress.com/app/home/contribution.asp?referrer=parent&backto=issue,4,11;journal,43,117;linkingpublicationresults,1:110891,1
Resum: The development of IC industry in Taiwan began with a technology transfer from the USA based RCA Company, which was conducted by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). ITRI´s Technology Transfer Team (TTT) members were first incubated in the National Laboratories at ITRI, and then dispatched to spin-off companies in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park (HSIP). Many of these TTT members are now the CEOs of leading companies within the IC industry. The aim of this Study is to examine how ITRI´s Electronics Research and Service Organization (ERSO) shaped RTD engineers into technical entrepreneurs (Tech nopreneurs), and how ERSO has promoted Taiwan´s industrial development. This study uses in-depth interviews with 16 TTT members, combined with critical incident analysis of historical documents to support the following themes:1. ERSO/ITRI´s organisational innovation inspired IC technopreneurs to realise the ´Innovative Spirit´ and ´Technopreneurship´. This was done by ERSO´s adoption of new-enlightened experimentation procedures, by ERSO´s cultivation of the ´Innovative Spirit´ of technopreneurs under transformational leadership, and by ERSO´s innovative climate. Besides, the all-purpose training of operation executives was conducted in in environment that simulated market and business operations, which perfected the managing skills of these ´technopreneurs´.2. As national laboratories in Taiwan, ERSO has contributed human capital and social capital to the development of IC industry in Taiwan, and it has also effectively linked Taiwan´s common innovative infrastructure with the geographical advantages of individual industrial clustering, thus creating the national innovative capability of Taiwan´s IC industry.
Adreça: Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Management Technol, Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan2. Natl Chung Cheng Univ, Dept Labor Relat, Chiayi, Taiwan3. Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Management Technol, Hsinchu, Taiwan E-mail Addresses: BARRYLO@itri.org.tw, labsnl@ccu.edu.tw, benjamin@cc.nctu.edu.tw
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