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Esteu a: Inici , Informació d'interès , Recursos Bibliogràfics.
Recursos Bibliogràfics
Títol: Young A
Autor: Renewable energy in the urban setting: Year two
Volum: 22
Pàgines: 203-207
Any: 1997
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0-89553-212-3
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: incubator,
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Abstract: At the 1996 Conference in North Carolina, The Green Institute began to share its story with you. Our presentation this year will cover where we are in the design process and our plans for using solar and wind technologies in the development of an Eco-Industrial Park and Business Incubator. Located in a Federal Enterprise Community in Minneapolis, this project borrows sustainable and green building principles using the Rocky Mountain Institute and Solar Living Center as models. Using a change in the paradigm regarding how industry does business, we are joining with developments across the country that are putting together Eco-Industrial Parks which use closed loop production systems to reduce waste and emissions generated fi om manufacturing processes.Using renewable energy, both solar and wind, presents challenges both in the integration of systems on this small site and the educational opportunities with a large potential audience outside our building´s walls and windows. The urban setting presents us with many obstacles not always faced by much larger facilities or those in outlying areas of inner cities.
Autor: Renewable energy in the urban setting: Year two
Volum: 22
Pàgines: 203-207
Any: 1997
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0-89553-212-3
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: incubator,
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Abstract: At the 1996 Conference in North Carolina, The Green Institute began to share its story with you. Our presentation this year will cover where we are in the design process and our plans for using solar and wind technologies in the development of an Eco-Industrial Park and Business Incubator. Located in a Federal Enterprise Community in Minneapolis, this project borrows sustainable and green building principles using the Rocky Mountain Institute and Solar Living Center as models. Using a change in the paradigm regarding how industry does business, we are joining with developments across the country that are putting together Eco-Industrial Parks which use closed loop production systems to reduce waste and emissions generated fi om manufacturing processes.Using renewable energy, both solar and wind, presents challenges both in the integration of systems on this small site and the educational opportunities with a large potential audience outside our building´s walls and windows. The urban setting presents us with many obstacles not always faced by much larger facilities or those in outlying areas of inner cities.
Xarxa de Parcs Científics i Tecnològics de Catalunya - info@xpcat.net - www.xpcat.net
Administració i Oficina Tècnica: Centre d'Empreses de Noves Tecnologies B-27, Parc Tecnològic del Vallès - 08290 Cerdanyola T: 93 582 45 45
Seu Social: Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona - Avís legal - Política de privacitat
Seu Social: Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona - Avís legal - Política de privacitat