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Títol: Ten Years In The System of Entrepreneurship Stimulation
Autor: Milius PB (Milius Pranas Bernardas)
Volum: Issue: 4
Pàgines: 42-45
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 1392-2785
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: science and technology parks; business incubators; entrepreneurship stimulation
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://www.ktu.lt/lt/mokslas/zurnalai/inzeko/59/1392-2758-2008-4-59-42.pdf
Resum: Business incubator, established in Kaunas ten years ago, differed from other analogous structures in Lithuania in the way that it was oriented towards high technologies and innovations. Priorities were given to those companies that try to implement scientific novelties (innovations) in manufacture, maintain close relationships with Kaunas Technological University and other scientific institutions in Lithuania. After a successful eight-year work period, this business incubator became KTU regional Science Park. Activity of this incubator concentrates on the development of scientists and businessmen´s competences related to technological transfer, intellectual property, commercialization or scientific results, innovational activity in networks and entrepreneurship development. Favorable conditions in the business environment enable start-up companies to use their manufacturing and human resources more effectively and continuously develop knowledge-based business. Training and consultation sessions organized by the Park and available relationships (contacts) with partners from other EU member countries help companies to search for new possibilities for cooperation with partners from Lithuania and foreign countries.
Adreça: Kaunas Univ Technol, Econ & Management Fac, Qual Management Dept, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lithuania E-mail Addresses: p.milius@ktc.lt
Autor: Milius PB (Milius Pranas Bernardas)
Volum: Issue: 4
Pàgines: 42-45
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 1392-2785
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: science and technology parks; business incubators; entrepreneurship stimulation
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://www.ktu.lt/lt/mokslas/zurnalai/inzeko/59/1392-2758-2008-4-59-42.pdf
Resum: Business incubator, established in Kaunas ten years ago, differed from other analogous structures in Lithuania in the way that it was oriented towards high technologies and innovations. Priorities were given to those companies that try to implement scientific novelties (innovations) in manufacture, maintain close relationships with Kaunas Technological University and other scientific institutions in Lithuania. After a successful eight-year work period, this business incubator became KTU regional Science Park. Activity of this incubator concentrates on the development of scientists and businessmen´s competences related to technological transfer, intellectual property, commercialization or scientific results, innovational activity in networks and entrepreneurship development. Favorable conditions in the business environment enable start-up companies to use their manufacturing and human resources more effectively and continuously develop knowledge-based business. Training and consultation sessions organized by the Park and available relationships (contacts) with partners from other EU member countries help companies to search for new possibilities for cooperation with partners from Lithuania and foreign countries.
Adreça: Kaunas Univ Technol, Econ & Management Fac, Qual Management Dept, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lithuania E-mail Addresses: p.milius@ktc.lt
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