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Títol: Technology parks in a developing country: the case of India
Autor: Vaidyanathan G (Vaidyanathan Geetha)
Volum: 33 Issue:3
Pàgines: 285-299
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0892-9912
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Science park
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://www.springerlink.com/content/451518681t1k7456/fulltext.pdf
Resum: Following the economic liberalization of 1991, the government of India established the software technology parks of India (STPI) scheme and opened numerous software parks around the country. These parks have played a critical role in the growth of India´s software sector. In recent years, private software parks have also been established in different parts of India. The government of India is now promoting biotechnology (biotech) parks to encourage growth of this emerging sector. The biotech parks are still in their infancy with a few operating parks. There are several upcoming biotech parks in different Indian states with support from the respective state governments. The government of India continues to play an important role in establishing technology parks. Biotech-Information Technology (Bio-IT) park is the next type of park that the government is planning to promote. This article discusses the institutional history of these technology parks in India.
Adreça: Univ N Carolina, Dept Econ, Bryan Sch Business & Econ, Greensboro, NC 27402 USA
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Xarxa de Parcs Científics i Tecnològics de Catalunya - -
Administració i Oficina Tècnica: Centre d'Empreses de Noves Tecnologies B-27, Parc Tecnològic del Vallès - 08290 Cerdanyola T: 93 582 45 45
Seu Social: Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 - 08028 Barcelona -  -