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Esteu a: Inici , Informació d'interès , Recursos Bibliogràfics.

Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: Failed institution building: Understanding the interplay between agency, social skill and context
Volum: 24
Pàgines: 44-4
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0956-5221
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Science Park
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: This article examines the idea of institution building in terms of the interplay between agentic orientation, social skill and context. It argues that a relational approach to agency provides a useful framework for understanding the limits of social skill in explaining such processes. A detailed account, using the tens supplied by the idea of ´agentic orientation´ helps to elaborate the failed formation of NewBuC, a public-private partnership designed to give assistance to entrepreneurs keen to establish technology-based companies on a UK Regional Science Park. This approach is seen to provide a conception of agency that allows for critical, reflection at the micro-level around the role of champions and social skill in institutional analysis.
Adreça: Cardiff Business Sch, Cardiff, Wales Manchester Metropolitan Univ, Manchester M15 6BH, Lancs England E-mail Addresses: edwardstj@cf.ac.uk
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