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Títol: Embeddedness of heterogeneous industrial clusters for rejuvenating regional networks
Autor: Sher PJ (Sher Peter J.) Mei HC (Mei Hsiao-Chen) Lin HM (Lin Hsin-Mei) Kuo KM (Kuo Kun-Ming)
Referència: ISMOT´07: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Management of Technology, Vols 1 and 2 - MANAGING TOTAL INNOVATION AND OPEN INNOVATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY
Pàgines: 83-87
Any: 2007
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 978-7-89490-375-4
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: Reginal development, clustering embeddedness; network rejuvenation; science park; industrial cluster
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Industrial cluster effect has been dealt with great attention as the next-generation source of competitiveness in the global economy. Central Taiwan is renowned globally for its machinery clustering. According to statistics, aggregation of Central Taiwan machinery firms´ output ranks the fifth largest exporting industry in the world. Compared with its high-end counterparts in German and Japan, Taiwanese machinery industry competes with higher efficiency, low cost, and short lead time. However, the long-existed shortage in encountering high-end market, low precision resulting in low product profile and low price segment, remained unresolved. This competitive weakness can be ignored in the 1980´s and 1990´s when competition from China is not significant. But what is demanding facing the 21st century competitive dynamics is the squeezed space for Taiwanese machinery industry to add value so as to keep its lead in the low-cost competition from China´s machinery industry. Offshoring might be one solution to most Taiwanese firms; however, this paper argues that cluster embeddedness might be alternative strategy for rejuvenating a threatened industrial cluster. The opportunity of such a rejuvenating strategy lies at the co-evolutionary development with science parks. The Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) represents the logics of extending effective technology policy promulgated in 1980s in Hsin-chu Science Park for Taiwanese high-tech industries. This paper explores the embeddedness of two clusters and the mutually upgrading effect delivered by such a regional development regime. Evidences are provided from the co-evolutionary process of the machinery industry and CTSP-based high-tech industries.
Adreça: Natl Chi Nan Univ, Dept Int Business Stidies, Nanto, Taiwan
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