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Títol: Applying TCSI Model to Evaluate the Stakeholder´s Satisfaction Nearby Hsinchu Science Industrial Park
Autor: Wang ML (Wang Ming-Lang)1 Wang KW (Wang Kang-Wei) Chung SH (Chung Shang-Hsuan)1
Volum: 1 I 2
Pàgines: 2747-2775
Any: 2008
Tipus de document: Proceeding paper
Paraules clau: Science Park, Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index model; Hsinchu Science Park; Structural Equation Modeling
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Applying TCSI Model to Evaluate the Stakeholder´s Satisfaction Nearby Hsinchu Science Industrial ParkAuthor(s): Wang ML (Wang, Ming-Lang)1, Wang KW (Wang, Kang-Wei), Chung SH (Chung, Shang-Hsuan)1 Book Group Author(s): IEEE Source: IEEE/SOLI´2008: PROCEEDINGS OF 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERVICE OPERATIONS AND LOGISTICS, AND INFORMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2 Pages: 2747-2755 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 0 References: 17 Citation Map Conference Information: IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and InformaticsBeijing Jiaoton Univ, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 12-15, 2008IEEE; IEEE Intelligent Transportat Syst Soc; Inst Operat Res & Management Sci, Serv Sci; Natl Sci Fdn China; K C Wong Educ Fdn; IBM; Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Automat Abstract: Science and technology play a key role in the economic development of the whole world; this is even true when it comes to any certain country. TCSI includes 44 industries which constitute 60% GDP and high-tech industry accounts for around 32% GDP in Taiwan at present. Therefore, the industry is indeed very important when measured by, the Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index. Macroscopically, customer satisfaction can be used to evaluate the performance of national economic system; however, from the perspective of modern quality management, our focus has shifted fro in customer satisfaction to stakeholder satisfaction. Take Hsinchu Science Park for example, we have proved that its stakeholder, the neighboring citizens, played a vital role in the Park´s success. Given this, this research planned to carry out a citizen satisfactory survey among inhabitants around Hsinchu Science Park, hoping to learn their thoughts and feelings through the results and to, based on that, better the Park´s operating system, improve the relations between the two sides, and therefore strengthen the Park´s competitive strength. This research discusses the citizens´ satisfaction and trust to the Park using the TCSI model and makes analysis on major indexes and perspectives affecting the satisfaction and trust by means of the structural equation modeling (SEM), so as to help the Hsinchu Science Park´ Administration discover the most effective ways to raise the public´s satisfaction and trust. Finally, this research works out TCSI marks and scores and makes a comparison with other industries, aiming to provide the Administration with materials for external benchmark learning.
Adreça: Chung Hua Univ, Dept Ind Engn & Management Syst, Hsinchu, Taiwan
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