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Títol: Towards "meta-innovation" in Brazil: The evolution of the incubator and the emergence of a triple helix
Autor: Etzkowitz H de Mello JMC Almeida M
Volum: 34 Issue:4
Pàgines: 411-424
Any: 2005
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0048-7333
Tipus de document: Aricle
Paraules clau: meta-innovation; incubator movement; triple helix; creative reconstruction
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: A "meta-innovation system" has emerged in Brazil, comprising multiple sources of initiative: top-down, bottom-up and lateral. Meta-innovation explains why the same organizational mechanism, successful in one context, may be relatively ineffective or even a blockage to innovation in another. An incubator movement arose in the transition from the large-scale technology projects of the former military regime. The incubator was recontigured from its original high-tech focus to a broader set of purposes by University-industry-government actors. Business and social goals were aligned in a development model that has potential for transfer to other countries. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Adreça: Univ Fed Fluminense, Programa Mestrado Engn Prod, Escola Engn, BR-24210240 Niteroi, RJ BrazilSUNY Coll Purchase, Sci Policy Inst, Purchase, NY 10577 USAInst Estadual Engn & Arquitetura, BR-20071002 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil E-mail Addresses: henryetzkowitz@earthlink.net, josemello@aol.com, almeida.mariza@globo.com
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