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Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: A value-created system of science (technology) park by using DEMATEL
Autor: Lin CL (Lin Chia-Li)1 Tzeng GH (Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung)1 2
Volum: 36 issues:6
Pàgines: 9683-9697
Any: 2009
Codi ISBN/ISSN: : 0957-4174
Tipus de document:
Paraules clau: Industrial clusters; Value-created; Science (technology) park; DEMATEL
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Under the impact of globalization effects, enterprises tackle the rapid change of market circumstances and find suitable places for production, R&D and marketing, which contribute to the creation Of Clusters of various industries. In this study, we differentiate the decisive factors effecting enterprises in choosing the right places for production, R&D and marketing. We also provide proposed development strategies and operation models for the authorities of science (technology) park to advance the parks´ Value. This study compares various industrial clusters using the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) technique to establish industrial structures. To do this, four aspects are considered: human resources, technology resources, invest environments and market development. These aspects encompass 28 evaluation criteria to determine the establishment attributes of clusters. Two well-known industrial cluster parks, the Neihu technology park and the Hsinchu science park as example, both in Northern Taiwan, are our case studies for this project. The Neihu technology park is the industrial cluster of R&D and marketing. The Hsinchu science park is the industrial cluster of production and manufacture. The DEMATEL technique is used to determine the relationship between the evaluation criteria and establish their value structures. The key performance criteria Could be sieved out and shall be further improved. The conclusions shall propose development strategies and operation models for vendors or the authorities of science (technology) parks to advance the parks´ value.
Adreça: Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Management Technol, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan 2. Kainan Univ, Dept Business & Entrepreneurial Adm, Tao Yuan 33857, Taiwan E-mail Addresses: linchiali0704@yahoo.com.tw, ghtzeng@mail.knu.edu.tw
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