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Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: Returnee entrepreneurs and firm performance in Chinese high-technology industries
Autor: Dai O (Dai Ou)1 Liu XH (Liu Xiaohui)1
Volum: 18 Issue: 4
Pàgines: 373-386
Any: 2009
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0969-5931
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Business performance; International networks; Knowledge-based view; Returnee entrepreneurs CROSS-NATIONAL RESEARCH; ABSORPTIVE-CAPACITY; ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION; COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE; BUSINESS RESEARCH; DYNAMIC THEORY
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: Building on the knowledge-based view and network perspectives, this paper explores the relationships between knowledge, networks and firm performance. Using a unique, hand-collected dataset of 353 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of returning entrepreneurs and 358 local entrepreneur-owned SMEs from Zhongguancun Science Park in China, we find that the SMEs of returning entrepreneurs perform better than those owned by local entrepreneurs due to their technological and commercial knowledge as well as their international entrepreneurial orientation. Our results show that international networks positively affect firm performance in high-tech industries. Our findings indicate that returnee entrepreneurs gain competitive advantages through utilising their intangible assets to exploit business opportunities and development in an emerging economy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Adreça: Univ Loughborough, Sch Business, Loughborough LE11 3TU, Leics England E-mail Addresses: o.dai@lboro.ac.uk, X.Liu2@lboro.ac.uk
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